Tuesday, January 21, 2025
HomeFinanceState of Virginia Authorized Agent & IRS Wage Levy – Got Back...

State of Virginia Authorized Agent & IRS Wage Levy – Got Back Tax Collections Letters Piling Up?

Letters of significance come in many forms, tax collection letters are not to go unaddressed, Federal and States have protocols to follow, at some point the taxing authority will have the final say, in the form of a wage, salary, vendor, bank levy or about crypto tax.

Nothing like the element of surprise…

It works in war, it works for birthday parties, it works for toddler good behavior, however, a blindsided surprise levy provides an emotional angst never experienced before. Rent or mortgage may be due, electric bill, under notice of shut off, was put off until this upcoming payday, perhaps you had a small nest egg saved for a rainy day. Leaving collection letters unaddressed, unopened will certainly impact the financial stability of your household.

Any checking or savings account, pension, social benefit, wages and vendor paid income are considered fair game for IRS or State collection. Make no mistake, these taxing agencies are communicating. Very often, in our experience, a client decides only to address the Federal side of the tax problem. Should he or she reside in one of the 41 states which collect state taxes, no doubt a letter will be in their mailbox, sometimes as quick as 30 days.

Baby Boomers are turning 65 years old at a 10,000 per day clip for the next 20 years. Some are still employed, many have solid pensions to glide through the golden years, then there are the few that need the Social Security safety net just to get food on the table. The Social Security Administration wants to provide the benefit it was programmed to be, but guess what…If your IRS or State tax obligation are in delinquent status the long arm of tax collection will ultimately hold you responsible no matter which way you spin it.

Fix the IRS or State Tax Problem today by dialing 1 – 8 6 6 – 2 2 6 – 6 1 0 2 for possible hardship. DWK Tax needs to have a meaningful 20 minute conversation with the embattled taxpayer. Nationwide, http://dwktaxgroup.com/ has proprietary protocols geared to help the taxpayer seeking tangible tax relief. Fees are flat, of the non-gouging nature, same day affordable financing is available. Our Tax Attorneys, Enrolled Agents and Certified Tax Preparers are poised to leap into action offering same day phone call to the taxing authority.

Not everyone is eligible for tax relief, rest assured, if you are? DWK Tax Group will treat your tax problem as if it were our own and treat you as if you were a part of our own family. This core belief system has served us well.


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