A variety of firms offer SEO services, but many of those companies don’t understand website optimization for the art that it is, offering services devoid of creativity. The professionals at SEO Advertising Expert are highly creative and offer a one-stop resource for any business that wants to increase its web exposure and profits.
SEO Advertising Expert begins by conducting an SEO keyword competition analysis before registering a domain name or setting up a website. It’s important to know what keywords are typically used to locate a particular business, product or service. It’s critical to ascertain keywords for a business that has low competition factors to allow a client’s website to rank at the top of Google search engine results.
Creating quality links that identifies a site as an authority is accomplished with a link wheel that builds links with web 2.0 properties. Sites with quality links to .Edu and .gov sites are regarded as relevant and highly desirable by Google. Both incoming and outgoing links are required, and they need to be developed gradually. SEO Advertising Expert does this with finesse.
The firm also utilizes press release submissions, quality content and blogs to bring clients’ websites to the attention of search engines. They submit clients’ websites to directories, and they also use forum profile links and ezine linking.
Websites are specifically designed to be user friendly and easy to navigate for visitors and search engines. Tags are used in association with images to alert search engines that additional information is offered that’s also relevant.
Social media platforms provide the online version of word of mouth advertising, one of the most successful means of advertising a business. SEO Advertising Expert utilizes social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to display businesses to their best advantage. These sites provide an excellent means of engaging and interacting with millions of potential customers. They can be used to keep fans advised of news, information and special offers through general announcements, RSS feeds and widgets. Businesses can also offer online coupons for additional incentives.
Social media sites can target specific groups by a host of criteria. Posting videos and photos engages visitors and demonstrates that a business is responsive. It’s an excellent way to build a reputation as a desirable company that cares about its customers. Businesses can create their own groups, gain feedback from visitors, and conduct contests, special events and webinars to further capture and engage the interest of potential customers. Visitors will want to bookmark the site so they can return in the future.
The art of website SEO is often lost on many companies. They use standard SEO techniques by rote without expending the effort to be creative. The experts at SEO Advertising Expert understand the need for the best SEO methods combined with creativity to provide clients with the best experience possible. The firm offers all those features and more, for a one-stop resource that will make any website a customer magnet.